In the event of a loss or claim

In the event of a loss, follow these steps:

  1. Provide assistance to injured persons and/or protect your property from further damage.
  2. Notify our insurance agency promptly. For prompt and expedient service, keep our agency’s phone number handy and call us before you contact the insurance provider.
  3. Provide accurate information. You will be asked to provide basic information, such as:
    • Date, time and location of the occurrence.
    • General description of what happened.
    • Identity and contact information for all persons involved.
    • Description of the damages and/or injuries.
    • Description of the automobiles, property, persons and witnesses involved, including addresses and telephone numbers.
  4. If the claim involves an automobile accident or a crime, record the name of the police department and the number of the police report.
  5. Do not divulge information to anyone other than your assigned claim handler or their authorized representative.

In the event a lawsuit is filed against you or your organization, contact your us immediately and provide copies of the suit papers.

Personal Lines Claims:  Consult your insurance packet for the proper contact info. and claims handling process.

Auto Claims: Consult your insurance card for the proper contact info. and claims handling process.

Also, you can log-on online for claims help:


American Collectors:

Farmers & Mechanics



Rockingham Group


Commercial Claims:

Notify us promptly. For prompt and expedient service, keep our phone number handy and call us before you contact the insurance company.

(724) 628-4400


In the event of an after-hours emergency, you should contact our agency and listen carefully for the after-hours emergency prompt for instructions.

(724) 628-4400